Browniac Digest
(a blog, sort of)
Abolition in CT and How John Brown Fits In
A Scholar on Abolition Joins the Tiny Abolitionist Film Festival to describe John Brown’s place in the history of abolition
John Brown’s Body 2022 Remix
A 21st century version of a 19th century song whose roots are in equalit
The Tiny Abolitionist Film Festival Was a SUCCESS!
The first ever Tiny Abolitionist Film Festival sold out, entertained, educated, and inspired. It also deposited more than a hundred pounds of food into the food bank.
Remember Harper’s Ferry! Dr. Louis DeCaro in Torrington, CT (10/2022)
Dr. Louis A. DeCaro, Jr. in Torrington, CT, on the difference between Harper’s Ferry and The Alamo: The difference between right and wrong.
Tiny Abolitionist Film Festival—JUNE 13, 2023
Culture 4 A Cause will partner with the Swiss nonprofit Art in History and Politics to host a “Tiny Abolitionist Film Festival” in Torrington, CT.
The John Brown Project Shares a Podcast With Tom Morello!
John Brown Project’s Freedom Story is part of the first episode of the Freedom Story Project Podcast series
Torrington and John Brown Featured on NBC-CT’s Connecticut in Color
The Torrington Historical Society and the John Brown Project featured on statewide TV