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Music clips of “John Brown’s Body 2022 Remix” featured in “His Truth is Marching On”

John Brown’s Body 2022 Remix (11:03)
John Brown Project Orchestra

Djembe, banjo, and vocal (1:53)
Angaza Mwando, Enzo, Guy Wolff, and Barbara Ann McGavern

Acoustic Blues (1:28)
Ysanne Marshall and Chuck Bickford

Swing (1:54)
Johnny Davis, Mick Connolly, and Ysanne Marshall

Choral (1:29)
Chorus Angelicus, directed by Dr. Gabriel Lofvall
Darlene Battle with Keith Leak and the New Mercies

Rock and roll (2:05)
Mick Connolly and Lucinda Rowe

Hip Hop (1:35)
Jacque Williams, Peter Pobuda, Dustin Pfaender

An early trailer for the next film, Pushing The Rock, about underappreciated heroes who fought against systemic racism in the United States.